About Sojourners Christian Church
He Taught Along the Pathways… Let the Path Continue with Us!
About Sojourners Christian Church
We gather to follow the pathway of faith exemplified by Jesus and his followers, but we also recognize that pathway can be very diverse and different for everyone. Our highest aim is to welcome and nurture all people and to serve humankind and our global home.
About Our Logo
The red Chalice is central to our identity as a reminder of our covenantal affiliation with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), a “movement for wholeness in a fragmented world.” The chalice also symbolizes the Lord’s Table where we meet weekly, living out the second half of the Disciple’s mission to “welcome all to the Lord’s Table as God has welcomed us.”
A circle of color, representing community, inclusion, diversity, and energy surrounds the chalice, illustrating our ethic of radical welcome as well as our circle of love and care. The circle is open-ended to suggest an open door to all whom God may draw into the fellowship.
To listen to a full introductory sermon about the significance and meaning of the logo, click on the link to the podcast below.
The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) is a Movement for Wholeness in a Fragmented World
As the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) We Believe…
*The only “test of fellowship” is the good confession. In other words, to join our church you simply must be able to affirm that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God and that you seek to follow him as your Savior and Lord.
*Faith should be based on reason. Our faith is a combined effort of head and heart with each person having the responsibility to study scripture as they grow in faith. We understand that this growth best takes place within a Christian community and with the tools that are available for coming to understand not only “what scripture means to me” but also its original context.
*The communion table is open. As we celebrate weekly communion, we understand that everyone who believes in Christ, regardless of denomination or church affiliation is invited to receive communion.
*Baptism is a central act of faith affirming God’s grace and our commitment to follow. Although we practice believer’s baptism by immersion, we recognize and affirm all other methods of baptism.
*Individuals can faithfully come to a variety of different opinions and understandings while remaining together as one body. Rather than making rigid pronouncements on moral-ethical behavior, we are more likely to affirm individuals’ right to decide while working to create safe places to make faithful, healthy decisions.
*All Christians are gifted and called to ministry. Although we have professional, ordained clergy, ministry is not their job alone, but the responsibility of all of us who claim Christ. God gifts each of us for ministry and asks us to use our gifts for the good of the whole.
*Both men and women are called to leadership in the church. Listening to the witness of scripture where women were in leadership along with men, we affirm that both genders are gifted and called. In the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) the first woman was ordained in the late 1800’s.
*Ecumenical relationships are important. As a denomination that began with the goal of unity of all Christians, we believe that our effectiveness is increased by working together with other Christians even when we are divided on issues of practice, understanding and organization.
*Work on justice issues at home and abroad is important. Throughout scripture justice and mercy are identified as being central to the heart of God. Therefore, we have a responsibility to work on behalf of the poor and downtrodden for a just and merciful world.
Come join us on the path of faith!
Our Mission
Welcoming and accepting all people along a journey of faith and service.
Our Core Values
As children of God, we will live our faith through genuine hospitality, passionate worship, intentional faith development, risk-taking mission and service, and Spirit-led generosity.
Green Chalice Ministries
We achieved a goal of becoming a Green Chalice Ministry of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in September of 2015, affirming the Alverna Covenant and pledging to walk more gently on the earth in the management of our facilities and activities. We work to reduce, reuse and recycle in our homes and at our facility, and promote natural solutions for cleaning and green-space maintenance. Our team members have installed a rain barrel for use in our two butterfly gardens and are delighted by the presence of monarch caterpillars in the spring.
For more information about Green Chalice Ministries or to read the text of The Alverna Covenant, go to https://www.discipleshomemissions.org/environment/.